Ahh... Exams are coming. T.T why so fast?! I don't like exams... I rather do lots of homework than sit for exams. It's the lesser of two evils. LOL.
That beside, the main reason for this post is because I REALLY want to go Korean Music Wave concert 2011 in Singapore. But it's the money problem... Actually, I'm close to saving up enough money to go for the concert, but I need to access the money I earned during Chingay this year, which is in my bank account. The problem is that I don't think my parents will allow me to go, and I need them to withdraw the money for me... Ahh. So what should I do?
1) Tell parents I need $ for the concert (basically telling whole truth).
2) Tell parents partial truth (I need $ for concert, but not how much I need.)
3) Don't tell and try to raise enough $ (SIAO) by May 7. (It's only when I have $125 then I have enough $... Not possible to save $125 in a week right?!)
4) Some kind soul out there who can sponsor me part of the money to go? :D (not quite possible either!! Hahaha~)
5) Borrow from friends. But who has $125 to lend me?!
6) Don't go and save up for concert dvd. This would work if a) it wasn't my favourite groups coming, and b) i don't think they're having a dvd cos it's a joint concert.
Aish... What to do... Lol it's times like this that I wish money fell from the sky. XD why can't the tickets be sold later... I definitely will have money later (shh, it's a secret). /rubs head
.// &&CALZ