Thursday, January 28, 2010

Friendship woes

"Friends are easy to make, but friendship is difficult to maintain"
That was what I told sc just now.
Isn't it a perfect phrase describing what has happened this few days?
________, we are all very tired.
Every one of us.
I don't know what "game" you are playing, but please stop.
Or at least tell us what's going on.
I'm tired of living in the unknown.
And so is everyone else.
What's the use of doing this?
When it just hurts everyone?
What is coming out of this?
Only pain, suffering, tears.
Is it nice to see everyone like this,
suffering because of you?
Please, just think.
We have all this projects coming on.
And not just that.
Our friendship is at stake here.
You were one of my first friends at Anderson.
I don't want to see my friends suffering.
Just because of a misunderstanding.
Is it worth it to forgo one year of friendship for something as minor as that?
I admit, we don't know you well.
We have no idea why you are like this.
Why you are so sensitive.
But we want to know.
We want to be able to understand you.
We want to be truly friends.
Will you give us the chance?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Juliet asked me to update my blog.
So I did :D
Nothing much to write.
Except haven't revised the damn geog.
Totally agree with Juliet.
Why the hell do we need to know the meanings of words we haven't learned IF WE HAVEN'T BEEN TAUGHT THAT CHAPTER??????
What's the use?
School is weird.
I really don't know how to do the damn art man.
I'm not the sort to turn in crap work.
But I seriously don't know...
Signing off.
P.S. Can you spot something new on my blog?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Eh, this is the first post I've written since 2010.
Yesterday was my unlucky + lucky day.
Fell during Dog and Bones and scraped my elbow and knee.
But Bryonn Bain and group came to Anderson and performed for us!!!
So darn cool!
Took pictures and their autographs.
Gotta check them out!