Wednesday, February 29, 2012

once in 4 years

I'm sure everyone knows what date today is: February 29, a day with a date that only comes by once in 4 years. (For Andersonians, we'll probably know today as a day where we have to submit our homework for it to be counted towards our marks in CA1. LOL :P)

I'm not sure about how everyone spends this day (probably working as usual) but for me, it seems as though this day often occurs in years where there are the 'big obstacles'. This year, I'm facing my Os; and I had my PSLE 4 years ago. Heh, I was born in the leap year as well. But nobody has time to celebrate this special day since we're all too busy with our school work or work (for adults) and whatnot... Although I wish someday I'll have the chance to enjoy this special day.

Anyway, in (somewhat) related news, Big Bang has their comeback today! ^^ I'm glad they did since today is a special day. In terms of their music, I actually haven't heard most of the full songs since I was busy with my school work :/ but from the ones I've heard, I find that the lyrics for (probably only some of) their songs have matured as compared to their older songs. I'm not saying that their old songs weren't mature but this new album has lyrics that have a contemplative, reflective tone to them, like they were reflecting about the past year's events and putting them down into lyrics. And yet, there's hope as well, hope that things can get better soon. Nonetheless it also can be seen and heard that they've grown stronger with the obstacles they face; guess adversities do make one stronger. Here's to wishing things will be more smooth-sailing from here.

I've also just finished an interesting book titled Matched by Ally Condie. It's set in a futuristic world where the world has become a totalitarian society, with its citizens governed by the Society, which dictates what they eat, what they wear, what they do, and even who they marry and when they die. Some say it's like a modern version of Lois Lowry's The Giver; although I haven't read The Giver yet but from the book summary I read of it, they both have the same theme of totalitarian society. The main thing that I learned from this book is the importance of free will. Like the popular saying "you never treasure anything until you've lost it", it's through this book and the lack of free will for the characters that made me realize that free will is a powerful gift. I'm not sure where I read this quote, (probably from the House of Night series) but it reflects what this book is about as well: "The greatest gift I can give my children is free will."

In terms of reading pleasure, I would say with a little bit of interpretation at some parts of the story, it would be a highly pleasing read. There are several innuendos and hidden meanings that make you realize the author's cleverness at incorporating them into the story; like the comparison between the Officials (the ones who make, implement and carry out laws) and the rest of the working citizens by using the colour of the clothes they wear (which are regulated by the Society) - white for the Officials and blue for the other working citizens. White-collared and blue-collared workers, anyone? :)

This has to be one of the more interesting fiction that I've read; I'm really glad I happened across the book one day :D and although I sound like I just did a book review for school, it's really because I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share the book with everyone. (And anyway what I've said is so little of what the book is about I totally didn't do justice for it.) Can't wait for the rest of the trilogy to be out. XD

.// &&CALZ

P.S. I really want to read The Hunger Games. I've read reviews, summaries and even fanfiction on the trilogy and it sounds so interesting. But it's hard to get the books and they're so expensive :(

P.P.S. Anyone up for watching The Hunger Games movie with me when it comes out in March? ^^

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Sweet sixteen.

Finally, the long-awaited day is here. My sweet sixteen. :D

This is probably one of my least celebrated birthdays so far; an irony considering it's one of the biggest birthdays in a youth's life. Oh well, it doesn't really matter anyway; it's the sincerity of the well-wishers that matter. It's not about the multitude of gifts received but the love and care behind it. And even so it's not about the gifts either; as the saying goes, 'it's the thought that counts'. Just a simple, sincere wish of 'Happy Birthday' is enough to replace any noncommited birthday gifts. (That being said, it doesn't exclude you from giving me one, even if it's a darn simple one or a virtual one! :P)

It may be a quiet affair this year but it's meaningful in its own way as well. For starters (and perhaps the most important) my dad and mum were actually able to celebrate it with me. Now this may not seem much, but when I was growing up I rarely got to spend my birthdays with my mum, so this matters to me a lot. (Yes, despite my grouches about my mum I still love her.) And I got a whole lot of well-wishers from jies and kors to close friends to juniors to not-so-close friends as well (my facebook wall is flooded...). I feel so loved. :)

And well, I guess a TINY part of why I'm so hyped about my birthday this time round is because my day falls on Big Bang's 2000th day since their debut as well. And Se7en's releasing his Somebody Else (Korean ver) MV as well. It's a special day for me, my favourite group and a singer I really support. I feel so... Lucky? (pun intended) Honoured? Definitely. And generally awesome as well haha!

It is today as well that I realise I'm really fortunate. To be living somewhere where your birthday is a cause of celebration amongst your loved ones, to be even able to celebrate your birthday, is a blessing in its own. I do count my blessings regularly; and believe me I feel plenty blessed. I want to reciprocate it back. :)

That's about it! My birthday blog post. A post of significant value (well most of my posts should be of significance anyway), to commemorate my special day. :)

.// &&CALZ;