Friday, July 13, 2012

A day worth remembering... In a bad way

So I'm sorry for not posting for some time... Time just flies so quickly especially with the impending Os. Honestly if today hadn't happened I might not have posted. But yes, here I am, even abandoning my homework for this. Some things are more important.

First off, today was rather a horrible day at school already... What with 2 tests and the Chemistry O level SPA. Here's my verdict.

Chemistry topical test - not very difficult but since I didn't study, I must have done badly. Great. Miss Yep is... Let's just say I don't wanna get on her bad side, but looks like I already did.

Maths test - 3 words: screw that shit. Too little time to do the paper. It was a paper that with that kind of thinking involved, we should have at least 1h 15 min to do. I think many people will die for the paper. In addition, the marks awarded are shit... Doing so many steps just to get ONE FREAKING MARK. It's totally not worth it at all and a waste of time. Seriously, how on earth was that paper set?!

Chemistry SPA - again not difficult, but I wonder if I'll get marks deducted for not having used excess sodium hydroxide. :/

But all these were just the side dishes leading up to the main event...

So me, Weilin and Kimberly were on the bus, going for our dinner. The bus was packed like sardines (like Circle line during peak hour) and there wasn't any space. Then this 60yo guy came on... And he stood super close to us. At first we didn't take notice of it because like I said, the bus was packed. It wasn't until the guy was in front of me (and had his hand behind him for who knows what reason) that I realised his hand was placed in an inappropriate position. I didn't think it was anything until I realised he had space in front and had no reason to put his bag (and his hand was on top of his bag) behind him. I got suspicious and moved as far back as I could (and my back was to the side of the bus already). When we alighted we talked to each other... AND THEN WE REALISED HE TOUCHED ALL OF US. EWWWWWWW. Disgusting bastard!

Okay, I'm sorry for the language but YOU CANNOT EXPECT ME TO REMAIN CALM AFTER THIS. What I do regret though, is not having done anything. True, he didn't grab me or anything but still it is sexual harassment in a way, right? Now he's on the loose and who knows who might be his next prey (and the countless girls before him). I'm truly sorry for it. Although I can definitely promise that if I ever meet him again, I'll definitely do something about it. He deserves that much. Everybody deserves that much because nobody deserves to have this happen to them. I'm not self-bragging or what, I'm talking in the context of my friends who were involved as well. It was a disgusting, immoral act done purely for the perversion of one at the expense of others.

While I'm not scarred for life or anything, I know this is something I'm unlikely to forget. I found myself being alert, jumping at any sound while going home. I'm not scared or anything but I certainly don't want history to repeat itself. Once is one too many times. I think in the near future my life would be affected a little.

I'm gonna end off this with a message: BE CAREFUL. Even if Singapore's crime rate is low (and how ironic it is that we were discussing Singapore's low crime rate in class today when this happened) one cannot be too confidant or trusting. It's always good to be cautious. As the Chinese say, 防人之心不可无 (one cannot lack cautiousness around others). It does pay to be more alert. And to that bastard: you better watch out. Don't let me see you again or there will be hell to pay. I guarantee.

I thought it was supposed to be Thursday the 12th, not Friday the 13th. And yet it feels like it got brought forward a day earlier.

.// &&CALZ

P.S. Will add more features to my blog later - I'm gonna bring back as much as I can from my previous blog template.