Monday, September 10, 2012

Probably the last post before Os.

So this post is for yesterday, today and tomorrow - not exactly literally. For lack of a better explanation, let's just move on to the content itself.

By yesterday I meant the September holidays that just passed. I confess to not doing much studying during the period, since I took it as the last real break I'll have before O levels come. I took the time to do some of the stuff I'd wanted to do but never got the time to, like making a keychain for myself. Perhaps some would feel like I wasted my time, but I don't think so - it was sort of like food for my soul. Now it's time to feed my brain with information again, information that will help me pass my O levels (hopefully with flying colours).

Today's the first day of school of Term 4... How time flies. It really feels like yesterday when it was the first day of Secondary 4 for me, and now 3/4 of the year's gone already. Of course it's scary that O levels is only 6 weeks away, but rather than panicking, time would be better spent (and more fruitfully) studying, right?

Basically today we started to get back our prelim papers. I can't say I did very well among the papers that were given back today, but I did expect the marks for Physics. I felt like I've let down Mr Ng again (and I know I'm saying this again) but truthfully, Physics just isn't my cup of tea. Maybe I sound like I'm giving excuses, and I do intend to work as hard as I can for O levels - it's the least I can do for a teacher who has given us so much. However, sometimes I do wonder just what kind of grades I can get for Physics since I truly suck at that subject...

Here I'm referring to both tomorrow - literally, and the near future. Tomorrow's yet another day where we get back our papers, and I'm honestly not looking forward to it. Still, what has to come will come. At least I'm confident there are no other subjects I can do as badly as Physics, so it's a small consolation in itself...?

For O levels, well... All I can say is that I'll study real hard and give my best efforts during the exam. Honestly, I'm aiming towards going to Victoria. Whether I can get there or not will depend on my grades of course, and I'm definitely going to try my very best to get into the school of my dreams (or at least make myself eligible for as many schools as possible).

After O levels: yes I've already planned for them. I suppose this would help me in studying, that whatever I want to do awaits me after O levels. I'm planning to get a part-time job. What I'm doing has yet to be decided. I suppose it'll depend... And I'm also planning to see if I can study Korean during the long break. I've always wanted to study a third language but didn't have the opportunity, so that's what I'm going to do (if possible). Let's also not forget the outings with friends and all... I think it's suffice to say I'll be real busy during the break.

As the saying goes, "yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift - that's why it's called the present", every day is a gift of time to use for studying before O levels. So let's seize the present (because no time's better than the present) and give it our best before the Big Exam (of now)!

.// &&CALZ