Thursday, March 31, 2011

March holidays

Ahh, it's been so long since I updated my blog~ sorry people!
I have a feeling no one's reading my blog nowadays anyway...
But still, I'm not gonna shut this down.
There's too much memories here already.
Deleting this blog will be like deleting a part of me...
So this blog's gonna live on! :D
Anyway, this year's march holidays was no fun at all D:
Well okay maybe a little, but still I feel there's too much school-related things during the holidays that makes it not feel like a holiday anymore.
I had 2 camps (well one is before the holidays but still... Although I did appreciate missing 3 days of school, keke~), and extra lessons.
Not to mention extra tuition and my usual piano lessons... And homework, of course.
Ahhhh. No wonder people say sec 3 life ain't fun at all.
But anyway, I love my current class now! /random
I wouldn't trade this class away. ^^
Okay, back to topic...
So my march holidays was really busy and I didn't have much time for myself.
And I thought the point of holidays was for us to recharge and not to overload us with school-related things and suffocating us.
But I guess that's life...
No matter how much we dislike it, it's still something that we have to go through.
All I can do is to think of those who aren't fortunate to go to school and be grateful for this opportunity.
But I really wish that June holidays isn't as crazy and mad as this... (as if.)
Oh well.
Gotta go now, signing off~
Will blog again as soon as I can!
.// &&CALZ
P.S. I'm into DBSK's songs now. Now I get why so many people like them... Keke!
Really hope this amazing group gets back together soon.
Their songs are awesome!
P.P.S. I feel like changing my writing style. "Change is the only constant."
And I feel that I have reached a point where change is called for.
I'm not really sure about this, but I think my next few blog posts are gonna reflect it...

Saturday, March 05, 2011

280th post~

Whee, this is my 280th post!
20 more posts to 300!
And this post is going to be a meaningful one~
Today I woke up at around 11am and went to
This is a website that I go once in a while.
Basically, what Freerice does is that it has games on various subjects that people (Freericers) can play.
For every question that a person answers correctly, Freerice will donate 10 grains of rice to people who need it (eg Third World country people).
So far, I've played English Vocabulary, English Grammar, French, Basic Math (Pre-Algebra), Mutiplication Table, Chemical Symbols (Basic), World Capitals, Chemical Symbols (Full List), Identifying Countries on the Map and Famous Paintings.
And I've donated 12160 grains ^^ (equals to answering 1216 questions CORRECTLY; I've answered more questions than that but got it wrong -.-")
See, doing good deeds doesn't mean spending money; you can just do good deeds like this. :D
So whatcha waiting for? Go Freerice now!
Spread the love and care and do good deeds now :)
.// &&CALZ

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

March 1st

Another month, another new beginning.
I don't know why I feel like doing this but Imma just taking a little stroll down memory lane. :)
Looking back, February was full of ups and downs.
Though it's the shortest month of the year, I must say a lot of things happened.
And no, I'm not just talking about my birthday and CNY. :)
We had our tests, we got back our results, and not all of them were good.
Honestly speaking, I failed my Physics CA1 test and my Chinese compre test...
Definitely not a good start to the year.
But don't worry, this has further strengthened my desire to get good marks.
Remember, I'm the imperfect perfectionist :P

Also, during CNY my nephews came over, and among one of them there was this nephew (older than me) who played the piano extremely well.
Some should have heard this already but not all, so I'm posting it here as well.
This nephew of mine plays songs by ear, and can even play a song when he hears it for the first time (though not perfect of course).
And I love the choices of songs he plays~
(Can't remember all, but here's some of it.)
Lies - Big Bang
Haru Haru - Big Bang
Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi (The Secret that cannot be spoken) - Jay Chou
Baby - Justin Bieber (LOL)
Bonamana - Super Junior
Lucifer - SHINee
And more that I seriously cannot remember (he played at least 1 hour you know?!).
Anyway, my point is that he inspired me to be as great a pianist as him.
The ability to play by ear is amazing, and something which I haven't achieved yet :X
And I think it's any pianist's dream as well, in addition to being able to play all the songs that we want to play.

Maybe we've worked hard, maybe we haven't, but whatever it is, a month's already over.
Instead of lamenting over it, why don't we just take a step forward and make good use of a new month to start anew?
.// &&CALZ
P.S. OMG yay Big Bang's finally back with a new album + MV!! I love the songs like always~
Tonight was a good song but lacks the members singing together in harmony, and there's too little Daesung. /biased
Cafe is my favourite song out of the album, and not just because of Dae's part either.
I love the whole laid-back style and mood of the song, and the falsettos were killer.
Awaiting their next album and predicting that it's gonna be an even more epic hit than this album.
Who knows, there might just be a song that can surpass the epicness of Lies and Haru Haru!
Let's keep the faith~
Big Bang is loved.
#nowplaying Cafe - Big Bang