Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What a day!!!

Finished typing out the compo teacher asked me 2 type......

2day my sch had a book fair.. I bought a comic book titled 'Zhe Yi Ban Re Ji II' which means This class' Diary II. My classmate Delia persuaded me to lend her the book. She bought the 'Zhe Yi Ban Re Ji' without the II and lent me hers. I turned her down, saying I got to lend it 2 my friend but she refused to listen. In the end, I had to lend her. My solution was to tell her tomorrow that I got a scolding from my mum because I didn't show her the book. If she says that I'm lying because I must have known about the scolding and would have said no, I would say that I didn't tell her about the book fair, she might have found out from my father. Anyway, I will also say that I was in a hurry(I was really in a hurry, no lies!). I can also add that my friend was angry because I lent Delia the book first and not her. (Wow, for a prefect, I've got quite a talent for lying! Yes, I'm a prefect. But sometimes prefects need to lie too!)

My best fren fell down 2 day in PE.. hope she ok..... Wish her better soon!

Gotta go...