Sunday, March 11, 2007

After playing Habbo..

I played Habbo everyday and I'm beginning to feel this is a boring 1. That's why I'm writing this entry now. Because of boredom.

I'm going to be a HC of Habbo again... maybe tomorrow. I really missed being a HC. The first time I was a HC, it's because of a promotion. If you buy a month, or 3 months or 6 months, they'll give u an additional month FREE. As a HC u enjoy special stuff normal Habbos don't get, like special hairstyle and clothes, as well as rooms that have stairs. It's kinda cool that you walk around with special hairstyle and clothes, with the special HC badge. I loved it!!!!

So I want to be 1 again. Fun is what that matters, like one of my accounts' console mission.