Thursday, December 13, 2012

(Unexpected) Life Lessons

Ah, I should've posted something yesterday on 12/12/12... But oh well. Am posting this post because I know I haven't been blogging for a while (sorry!) so I guess this is sort of a catch-up post...?

What's happened in my life recently (other than the fact that O levels is over - yay!)? Hmm... I guess things like going out with friends? This may seem mundane but in this world one cannot be without friends or at the very least without somebody, because humans can't thrive being alone. So I went out with various groups of friends (which somehow often end up at Marina Square LOL). We went to watch movies, play at arcades, and even win a soft toy or two... :) it's little things like this that get easily forgotten but provide some of the purest happy moments throughout our lives.

The toys we won:

Watched Breaking Dawn part 2 with Wei Lin and Dinah (on the first day no less!):

And as if that wasn't enough, we followed up with another movie, Rise of the Guardians (which I want to watch again!):

(done on 22 November)

And etc... Too many outings to recount haha.

Oh yes, and how could I have forgotten about The Prom? Maybe to some it wouldn't be too much of a deal but to me it's like another step towards adulthood (which I'm not ready for). And in some regards it makes me truly realise that my secondary school life is almost over... A sort of rude awakening in a way. While I can't say I've had the best or most interesting experience in school, it has had given me some memories and experiences that I probably wouldn't otherwise had anyway. One thing I've definitely learnt throughout these four years is that whatever decisions I make, even if I regret them I should make the best out of it, because who knows it might give me something more than I have expected. And even if that doesn't happen, at least I would have learnt something from it, even if it's not the thing others would expect me to learn LOL. (Now I sound like I'm the world's most optimistic person from making the best out of everything hahaha.) As somebody once said (credits to that person, which I don't know who - if anyone knows feel free to let me know):

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything."

So instead of moping around regretting whatever decision I made, I might as well look forward to whatever may await me at the end of the route that I've chosen to embark on. Perhaps I won't enjoy it as much as if I'd chosen another route, but since this is the route I chose I should grit my teeth and bravely move on, taking on whatever that comes. What's said has been said, what's done has been done, what's chosen has been chosen, there's no point in regretting it unless I plan on changing my choice.

I suppose then that another lesson I've learnt is to live life according to the way I truly want. That means no shying away from the things that I truly want because I'm afraid. As cliche as it may sound, You Only Live Once (aka the famous - or infamous now - YOLO), so if I constantly don't dare to do the things I want to then I'll probably die of regrets when my time comes. Again, maybe I won't obtain the results that I desire, but at least I can say that I mustered up enough courage to try - and even if I fail I would at least know that I'm not up to it instead of wondering my whole life "could I do it?".

After my long rant, now I realise that most of the things I wrote are actually nowhere near Prom itself LOL but instead more like what I've learnt through reflecting on my secondary school life. So yeah, while others are celebrating about the end of secondary school and the start of something else (be it JC/Poly/ITE or even other choices) I'm here writing about my "deep reflections" about my life for the past 4 years. Anyway it's my blog so I'm entitled to what I wanna write here~

There's little I want to say about prom itself... I mean it's my first prom so I can't exactly say whether I'm disappointed since there's no point of reference anyhow. And I can't say that I've had a night of bonding with my classmates and schoolmates since I'm not close to most of them (I'm aware of how much that makes me sound like a loser but whatever. One of my strengths and also weaknesses is that I'm independent (in terms of friendship or should I say interpersonal relationships)... Which can be my obstacle sometimes) - in fact I think the night served to make me realise just how much I'm NOT close to them. Can I say I regret it? In some ways, no. Yes, there was external pressure to enter Anderson 4 years ago but I'm the one who made the ultimate choice. Yes, I did find it hard to get along with most people in Anderson due to our different personalities but I'm the one who could have made more effort as well. I'm not saying that I'm to be blame for everything either but I'm definitely not faultless. Still, it's almost the end now and it's too late for regrets.

This holiday is shaping up to be one unique one too. Obviously the biggest difference is that it's my first time working (officially). I would say that I've learnt quite a bit too, with how the society works and all. But one of my biggest lessons is to admit that sometimes, one can be wrong too. It's still hard for me to say I'm sorry and all (I do have some pride after all) but it's easier for me to admit my mistakes now. I guess I'm really growing up after all, huh?

Back to my secondary school experience. If there's one thing I wouldn't change, it's definitely the friends I've made. True, some of us haven't had the smoothest friendships but I still wouldn't change the friends I've made. In its way I've learnt lessons from there too, and at the same time I've gotten more of an idea of just how much friendship means to me and the people whom I truly treasure (I think you guys know who you are). So to those who are really my friends, thank you for being my friend. :)

I'm just gonna end off with a quote that I read recently (it's gonna be posted on Instagram soon too).

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill

.//&& CALZ