Sunday, May 22, 2011


Lately I've been thinking about my life. Okay, more like the recent events in my life. Thinking what I've been doing this year to have caused this year to be so different from the rest of the years in my life. To be honest, when this year first started I was really looking forward to it with great expectations (no I'm not talking about the Charles Dickens book LOL) but what I'd gotten back was mostly disappointment.

Looking back, in the midst of growing up I think I've lost my old self. The me in primary school. I miss that side of me, someone who's always cheerful (not saying that I'm not cheerful now but I think we all agree that we're happier when we're younger) and well not treated the way I am now. I should go and try find that side of me again...

I've also realised something: that no matter what I still have a whole bunch of people who really love and care for me despite their flaws. No, I did not just whine about my life, I did think about a lot of things. And to these people (I think you all know who you are), I can't begin to express my feelings and gratitude. All I can say is thank you for standing by my side through life's ups and downs. I hope you and I will forever be in each other's lives, loving and caring for each other. (Okay, that sounded totally disgusting and mushy. But still, it really is how I feel.) The two words thank you seem inadequate, but there is no other word to replace it. Thank you, thank you and thank you. And of course, rest assured that I love you too. :)

Sure, life is always unpredictable and let's face it, there're more downs than ups. But we should just try to keep counting our blessings. I'm gonna face tomorrow with a smile on my face. :)
.// &&CALZ
P.S. Please help click on the nuffnang ad on the side? There on the right side~ you can't miss it! Don't worry nothing will happen to your computer if you click it. Just let me earn some money by clicking it. No, you don't have to pay anything. I promise. ^^
P.P.S. I'm really gonna change my blogskin soon. I'm really irritated with the sidebar scrolling thingy already. What blogskin should I use next? Hmm...
P.P.P.S. Today 2PM, Rain and Miran (YG dancer) are in Singapore. Rare day! 110522~